• Jul 3, 2020 from 4:00pm to 4:45pm
  • Location: Online
  • Latest Activity: Jul 2, 2020

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Creative Technologist, Artist, Activist, Digital Curator, Immersive XR producer, Digital maker, innovator & emerging technology enthusiast, Kadine James is a prominent Tech Evangelist. Combining 10+ years’ experience in 3D Printing, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Data and emerging technology, she’s driven by big ideas, a global mindset and empowering the use of VR/AR/MR & Rapid Prototyping across the creative industries. 

Kadine is the CEO and founder of The Immersive Kind, a multidisciplinary platform for artists, designers and creatives who are using technology to make the world a better place. Kadine is also a Fellow of RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) whose mission is to enrich society through ideas and action.

Join Kadine on Friday 3 July where she will be exploring how technology is changing the world. Her presentation will explore 3D Printing, Immersive Environments, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and how these tools are being applied across the creative industries

Date: Friday, 3 Jul 2020 | 16:00-16:45 IST 

Topic: 3D Prototyping & Envisioning VR by Design


  • 1555-1600 - Login and Standby on Zoom
  • 1600-1603 - Opening Remarks and Introduction
  • 1603-1623 - Master Speaks: Kadine James, Founder, The Immersive Kind Collective and UK Chair, Women in 3D Printing
  • 1623-1628 - Fireside Chat on Technology
  • 1628-1645 - Discussion and Q&A



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Welcome to Forum Days - The most happening weekday seminars for the creative community. Master speakers from across the world share their insights on cutting edge design and technology. The idea is to impart knowledge, generate collaborative ideas and projects spanning multiple disciplines, catalysed by new design thinking and knowledge. 

Forum Days bring to you, precious content from the enticing worlds of Architecture, Photography, Sound Design, Film, and Visual Art, amongst many other disciplines. Join the community, interact, learn, discover and become part of the Digital Arts Forum - a community that will lead the change for the next epoch.

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