Friday, July 10, 2020 (1)

Jul 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
  • Forum Days - 10 July 2020 | Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)

  • Jul 10, 2020 from 4:00pm to 4:45pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description:

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    Ravi holds patents in areas as diverse as low cost robotics and frugal ventilators. He gives away these designs practically for free. He believes Technology and design must serve the person at the last mile - the most important person as believed by Mahatma Gandhi. In the technology centric world how do you apply advanced principles like Artificial Intelligence, robotics and advanced engineering design to solve the day-to-day problems of ordinary Indians has been the pursuit of my research and has yielded several products and patents. In my talk, I share this journey and ideas with the hope that it would ignite ideas and open fields of collaboration to use design and engineering for a self-reliant India.


    Date: Friday, 10 Jul 2020 | 16:00-16:45 IST

    Topic: My Experiments with Design


    • 1555-1600 - Login and Standby on Zoom
    • 1600-1603 - Opening Remarks and Introduction
    • 1603-1623 - Master Speaks: Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi), Harvard Alumni, Award Winning Technologist
  • Created by: Digital Arts Forum
  • Tags: digitalart, ai, robotics, digital health, vr, blockchain, ventilators

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Welcome to Forum Days - The most happening weekday seminars for the creative community. Master speakers from across the world share their insights on cutting edge design and technology. The idea is to impart knowledge, generate collaborative ideas and projects spanning multiple disciplines, catalysed by new design thinking and knowledge. 

Forum Days bring to you, precious content from the enticing worlds of Architecture, Photography, Sound Design, Film, and Visual Art, amongst many other disciplines. Join the community, interact, learn, discover and become part of the Digital Arts Forum - a community that will lead the change for the next epoch.

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